Safety, Health & Environment(SHE) Requirements


Seaspan ULC has a commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace and protecting the environment. To facilitate this approach, we have established minimum safety and environmental requirements that apply to all service providers. Service providers are expected to comply fully with all applicable laws, regulatory requirements, and where applicable, Seaspan ULC site specific requirements.

There are other SHE (Safety, Health and Environmental) requirements that may apply, depending on the Service Provider’s scope of work, site-specific conditions, or when specialized equipment is used. Service Providers may be required to submit specific plans for review and acceptance prior to starting certain work activities. Such activities would include performing service or maintenance on equipment or machinery involving unexpected release of hazardous energy, or mitigation of hazardous materials, i.e. lead or asbestos.

If selected to bid for work, Service Providers will be provided with more detailed information on specific requirements. Service Providers are expected to demonstrate in their bid proposal that they have applied appropriate SHE requirements to the hazards associated with their scope of work.

Service Providers are responsible for selecting and holding their own suppliers and lower-tier sub trades to the same standards and requirements that apply to their scope of work as set forth in their contract.

Service Providers will be responsible for conducting and documenting regular inspections and periodic evaluations of their work activities as indicated by Seaspan ULC, to ensure compliance with the scope of work requirements. These inspection and audit results will be made available for review at our request.

The sections below provide additional information on important elements of Seaspan ULC SHE objectives and requirements.

Injury Free Workplace Goal

Seaspan ULC is committed to maintaining an injury free workplace, and that all work-related accidents, incidents, injuries, and illnesses are preventable. This goal is premised on the following principles:

Depending on scope of work, Service Providers may be required to develop a Safety Management Plan that conforms to all regulatory and Seaspan ULC requirements governing the scope of work.

Service providers, when engaged in onsite work, are expected to perform daily pre-task planning to identify potential hazards and the corresponding mitigation measure(s) to eliminate or minimize the risk associated with performance of the work. Additionally, Service providers must liaison with the appointed Seaspan ULC representative for site safety coordination and meet all communicated requirements as defined verbally or contained in Site Safety Rule Books.

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